Elegant & Armed

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The One Thing You Must Never Do if you Conceal Carry in a Purse

Concealed Carry Purse: Aya

When I first got my concealed carry permit, I thought that carrying a gun safely in your purse meant placing it in the main compartment, at the bottom of the bag. Ugg! I cringe at the memory.

Some of you will immediately recognize this as a faux pas. If you didn’t however, there’s no shame. We all start somewhere and when we know better, we do better! Thankfully, I asked for advice before acting on my assumption, and learned the two most important things about carrying a firearm in a purse.

  1. Separate Pocket - The gun should be kept away from other items in the bag. This means storing it in a separate pocket all by itself.

  2. Keep it holstered - The gun should be in a holster that covers the trigger and prevents it from being pulled by mistake. The Holster should be anchored in position inside the compartment (usually with Velcro), so you know exactly where to reach for it every time, never have to search for it, and permits you to draw the gun with one hand, leaving the holster in its place inside the purse.

*Your gun should never be loose at the bottom of the bag where it can move around.

A purse designed specifically for concealed carry will have these features. However, you can prepare a normal bag for concealed carry by adding a holster insert. Some inserts are meant to fit into the main compartment of the bag. If this is the case, test any cracks at the opening of the holster to make sure small items cannot make their way in. If possible, I still recommend keeping the insert in a separate pocket, away from all other items.

For more safety tips about purse-concealed carry, check out my blog post, 4 ways to make “Purse-Concealed Carry More Secure.

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