Shop Concealed Carry Clothes For Women

Concealment Camisole

Designed to reduce printing when you conceal carry on your body - the Concealment Camisole is the first of it’s kind.

CONCEALED CARRY Lookbook - Spring Outfit Inspiration

Our Spring lookbook is here to provide you with inspiration styling your own concealed carry outfits!


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Everything You Need Before Leaving The House

Best Of Concealed Carry Clothing

Can A Woman Really Shoot When Dressed Up?

How To Create A Capsule Wardrobe That Conceals Your Gun

In our best blogs, we'll demonstrate how gun concealment for women is affected by your clothing choices. What you wear affects how quickly and effectively you can access your gun. We'll also show you how to create a wardrobe of women's concealed carry clothing that will enable you to look great while staying safe.

Read Our Concealed Carry clothing Blog

Concealed Carry Clothes Resources

8 Fashion Hacks Every Gun Girl Should Know

How To Dress Around Your Holster