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You Are Worth Protecting.

Let us guide you in feeling comfortable with your purchase

You shouldn’t have to give up your femininity to own a gun

You want to be ready to protect yourself and those you love as you go about your day. But let’s be real, learning about guns can feel overwhelming and confusing. There is so much information out there and you’re often left too nervous or uncertain to move forward with a decision. You need a guide to help, someone who understands… that’s exactly why I started Elegant & Armed.

Let’s walk together.

Start Your Journey


Feel Safe, Comfortable, Elegant & Armed

You’re doing everything you can to make sure you and those you love flourish in life. Safety is a big part of that, so why should you have to choose between feeling empowered and looking put together? You don’t have to change your style or give up on embodying elegance to carry a gun or taser.

Welcome to Elegant & Armed, a safe place for you to learn and make informed decisions about your safety. Learn to properly incorporate a firearm or taser into your unique lifestyle (no matter what stage you’re in).

Start Your Journey

Concealed Carry Roadmap


Hi, I’m Natalie

I’ve been there…wanting to feel safer and able to defend myself but overwhelmed and intimidated by how much there is to learn. My fears ranged from not wanting to accidentally hurt someone to not wanting to change the way I dressed. I pressed on spending years of trial and error, taking classes, and talking to experts in the industry. I’ve learned so much about concealed carry clothes, firearms, and holsters for women.

The experience has greatly increased my confidence and I want more women to feel the same way. That’s why I created Elegant & Armed, to guide you along the same journey I took.

With years of experience, time at the range, and scenario training, my goal is to show women that concealed carry is absolutely doable.

I believe in you.

You are worth protecting.

Let’s journey together.

Concealed Carry Is A Lifestyle

There’s always something you can do to be safer. It’s time to stop worrying and start living confidently.

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 You may have seen me In:

Future Female Leaders
Silencer Central