Bulletproof Backpacks, The Most Underrated And Overlooked Back To School Accessory
Premier Body Armor Use Code: elegant&armed for 10% off
Hello parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and responsible adults! If you know a child, I’m writing to you! It’s that time again… time for back to school shopping. This year instead of just the basic items, why not invest in supplies that will contribute to your child’s safety and well-being? I’m talking about bullet-proof school supplies.
I’d like to introduce Premier Body Armor, a company that truly believes law-abiding citizens deserve the very best in personal protection! #nevercompromise
When I discovered Premier Body Armor products earlier this year, I had an eye-opening experience which you can read about in my blog post, “Want A Line of Defense You Can “Forget” About?” Here’s an excerpt from the post:
…I had to address a personal question- “How necessary is this?” My perspective shifted when I learned about their school supplies (School Backpack Panel, Bulletproof Laptop Case, 3-Ringed Binder Cover, and 3-Ringed Pencil Pouch) and then a new question arose: “Would I invest in protective armor for my child?”
The answer “Absolutely!” came so quickly to me that I had to step back and remind myself… I don’t have kids! But you get the idea…
This world is unpredictable. While we can’t be with our kids 100% of the time, there ARE things we can do to set them up for success.
Don’t send your child back to school without one of these.
Level IIIA School Backpack Panel Use Code: elegant&armed for 10% off
One employee at Premier Body Armor tells his child- if there’s trouble, put on your backpack and run!
This is the product I’ve been using in my purses and smaller backpacks!
Don’t know what to choose? Gift cards are available starting at $5.00 Use Code: elegant&armed for 10% off
When it comes to the safety of children, I believe taking action is not about the odds, it’s about the stakes. Let’s not live in fear but be prepared and teach our kids to do the same! Expect the best, be prepared for the worst and #nevercompromise when it comes to personal safety.
Have you discussed personal protection with your child?
*This post contains affiliate links